20th February 2025
Dear Parent / Carer,
This year we will be holding a St. David’s Day performance morning for parents to enjoy celebrating the many wonderful performances that are learned for St. David’s Day.
This year the children will perform as usual in their costumes on Thursday March 6th for the rest of the pupils in the school.
We are then inviting parents to join us on Friday March 7th to see the crafts that the pupils have made and to watch your child perform their Welsh item. Pupils will be entering the hall one class at a time to perform. We will then announce the winner of the competition for that class and then the next class will enter and perform.
Doors will be open from 9:30. Refreshments will be available to purchase between 9:30 and 10:00. Performances will begin at 10:00. The performances should take no longer than an hour.
We have a limited number of seats so we kindly ask that no more than 2 parents attend for every child. Please be aware that some adults may need to stand.
We will do our very best to film performances for any parents who are not able to attend.
Kind regards,
Mrs. M Teague. (Head Teacher)