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Return to School Newsletter

Dear Parent / Carer

I would like to wish you all a very warm welcome back to the start of the new academic year. It was lovely welcoming the children back this morning and hearing their many voices fill the school. The children have all settled in well to their new classes and our younger pupils are already following new routines well.

We already have a very busy year planned for the pupils and parents. Throughout the year we will continue to inform you about dates and events through our website and on Schoop. Please ensure that if you change your phone, you update the Schoop App to ensure that you are getting all of the news and information that you need.

On Monday September 18th between 3:30pm and 5:30pm we will be holding an open evening for parents and children. It will be an opportunity for you to see the school, meet with teachers and governors and ask any questions you may have. The hall will also be filled with outside agencies who may be able to provide any support that you need. We are hoping that you will be able to join us for a tea or coffee and a chance to learn more about the school. More information will follow nearer the time.

This year we will be having a very big focus on attendance. This year our final attendance was 90.66% and this is significantly lower than all previous years. Creunant Primary was ranked 22nd out of all NPT schools, when previously we have always been in the top 4 schools. We really need your support to improve every child’s attendance. More information will be shared with you on the impact of poor attendance on your child. We will be looking at rewarding good attendance with individual and whole class monthly prizes.  Last year the Curriculum Committee looked at data which showed that Friday is the worst day for attendance. They came up with the idea of “Fishy Friday” where the best year group for attendance on the previous Friday gets a choice of sauces with their chips and dessert on a Friday. By popular demand, we will continue with this as a reward however, we can only improve attendance with your help and support.

A few reminders:

School Times:  All children from Reception to Year 6 are expected to arrive in school between 8:40am and 8:50am.   The gates in the junior yard will be locked at 8:50am so please try to arrive on time.  All full time pupils will finish at 3:20pm. Nursery pupils are asked to arrive by 8:50 at the main door and can be collected at 11:30am from the main door.

Lunch: School dinners are now free for all pupils.  Please only send in a lunch bag if your child is having sandwiches.  Lunch bags should not be used for snacks as this really confuses our younger children when asked if they are having dinners or sandwiches. The children are asked at the start of every day if they want dinners or sandwiches. The menu is on the school website so that you can decide the night before if you prefer.

Snack- children can bring in a healthy snack each day. Please remember that we are a nut free school. Fruit should be placed in a small bag or plastic pot with their name on. They can then drop their bag into their tray or class box. 

Water bottles – all children are encouraged to bring their own water bottle to school which they can refill throughout the day.

School bags – ideally children should not be bringing large bags to school. All classes have very limited space for coats and bags. Only children with a lunch box should be bringing bags to school as everything else is supplied for the children.

Pencil cases –Children have plenty of resources available for them so children should not be bringing pencil cases to school. Children should keep their own pencil cases at home for their enjoyment and for completing homework.

We appreciate that the return to school can sometimes be costly for bigger families but hopefully some of the things that we have always put in place should reduce costs for parents. Please remember to label everything so that we can return everything home to you with your child.

We all look forward to supporting your child’s development this term. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact either myself your child’s class teacher who will be on the school gates throughout the week.

Thank you for your support,

Kind regards

Mrs. M. Teague