Dear Parent/ Carer,
The school are seeking to appoint two parent governors. It is an excellent opportunity for parents to be part of the decision making of the school, share your opinions, enthusiasm and valuable skills with the school to help us move forward.
As a community school, we value the support continuously shown to the school. If you have some time to spare and feel you could bring something extra, no matter how small, to our already enthusiastic and valued team of Governors, please read on for more information.
The application form is attached below as a PDF or can be found on the school website in an editable word format. Alternatively, if you require a paper copy or would like to find out more about the role, please contact the school.
Kind regards
Mr. M. Teague
Date:17th March 2022
Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing to inform you that there are two Parent Governor vacancies on the school’s Governing Body. Nominations are sought and a nomination form is enclosed.
In general, any parent of a registered pupil at the School at the time of the election is eligible to be a Parent Governor. However, no parent may be a member of more than two governing bodies, and there are strict rules on eligibility (see nomination form).
The completed form should be returned to the school by 31st March 2022.
Alternatively please email your completed nomination form by 3pm on 31st March to the Clerk to the governors:
If there are more nominations received than the number of vacancies for Parent Governors, then an election will take place. Voting papers will be sent to all parents with children at the School.
Training courses for Governors are provided free of charge by the Authority. Information is also circulated from time to time regarding courses arranged by outside bodies for which a fee may be payable.
Yours sincerely
Maureen Winter
Clerk to the Governing Body
Word Version