School News Friday April 1st 2022
Dear Parent / Carer
As we approach the end of another term, I would like to thank you for your support and understanding through what has been a particularly challenging few weeks. We have been without teachers, cleaners and cooks but thanks to the support and willingness of staff to step in, we have managed to stay open. I am hopeful now that we have got through the worst of it and can look forward to enjoying some fun activities in the run up to Easter before we break up on Friday 8th.
It is with great sadness that today we wave off Mr. Tipuric as Mrs Williams’ maternity leave comes to an end. The support shown by parents this morning was overwhelming and I am sure that Mr. Tipuric will be in the memories and hearts of your children for many years to come. I know that you will agree that his fancy dress efforts have been outstanding, particularly leading up to Christmas. He has certainly raised the bar with fancy dress efforts for all the staff – me included. We never knew what was going to come out of his wardrobe next. It has been lovely watching children bounce into school with the biggest smiles as they passed Mr. Tipuric at the school gates. We aren’t quite ready to say a proper goodbye to him yet though. We are hopeful that Mr Tipuric will continue to work with class 1 and 2 every Tuesday for outdoor learning – that is until another head teacher spots his many talents and snaps him up permanently. We thank him for bringing many smiles to staff and children’s faces and wish him continued success on his teaching journey.
This has been a very busy term of events and the dressing up efforts have been fantastic. On St. David’s Day, the children enjoyed participating in many Welsh activities, from cooking Welsh cakes to Welsh folk dancing. The children all enjoyed buying books and hearing stories on World Book Day and thank you to everyone who sent in money for Comic Relief, helping us to raise £147. Today the children have enjoyed participating in sports activities all day and have raised £67.15 towards our outdoor play equipment. Many new photos of the events have been added to the school website today for you all to enjoy and there are still many more waiting to be uploaded. Our final event for the term will be our Easter activities next Friday. We can’t wait to see how creative you can all be with bonnets and eggs.
Thank you to everyone who continues to raise funds for the school by shopping through Amazon Smile, which in the last few months has raised £94.25. The clothing recycling scheme through the Scouts has also raised £32.10 and we have also received £60.35 as a thank you from Sportec for uniforms purchased from them. Last week we were also delighted to hear of our success with a community grant. I would like to thank Cllr. Sian Harris for her help with the grant which will allow us to purchase a very large new glasshouse and an abundance of gardening equipment to go with it. I would also like to thank Seven Sisters Sawmills for their very generous discount and time taken to help us design a new glasshouse to put forward with the grant application. We can’t wait to see the finished product and to involve the community in helping us with their valuable knowledge of gardening.
Just one more week to go until children and staff finish for their well-deserved Easter break. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 25th April.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs. M . Teague