Dear Parent / Carer,
Following the Minister’s announcement last week, I felt that it was important to keep you informed on where we are with our plans to reopen school.
We are still waiting for the guidance from Welsh Government which will instruct and guide us in what our reopening will look like. In the meantime, all schools have to produce a recovery plan and risk assessments so that the school can reopen safely. These very detailed plans have to be shared with the Local Authority and have to be agreed by the Governors of our school. This will all take some time to ensure that our plans are tight, well communicated and effective.
From the parental survey, it was clear that many parents, rightly so, want to know what we will have in place for the pupils before you make your decision as to whether or not your child will return before the summer. Therefore, I will be waiting until I am in a position to share our plans with you before sending out another survey in Schoop to request from you a final decision on whether or not your child / children will return for the four week period. This also gives you some time to make your decisions and to see how the Coronavirus pandemic has evolved in Wales during this time.
In order to meet the 2m guidelines and the very small groupings of children in school, it is likely that we will be offering children the opportunity to come to school at staggered times for part of one day a week. The next survey requesting your final decision regarding your child’s return will enable me to make more accurate plans on this. The Government has put a strong focus on the reopening being “Check in, Catch Up and Prepare” sessions and the focus for any children returning will be on their wellbeing. Please be reassured that we completely understand that everybody has different reasons behind their decision making on children returning to school and we will fully support any decisions that you make.
During the four week reopening, we will continue to provide home learning which will be commented on by the class teacher if placed in Hwb. Children will also be able to communicate with their friends and teachers through J2 message.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs. M. Teague