Dear Parent / Carer,
The Governing Body of Creunant Primary School currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. Our Governors play a valuable part in the decision making for the school. They provide support for us moving forward and challenge our decision making to help us make the best decisions for our pupils. Governors also support us through links with the community, fund raising, interviewing new staff and attending meetings with the Local Authority.
Governors currently meet through Teams at least 4 times a year as a whole Governing Body, in addition to smaller committee meetings throughout the year. There is also a small amount of online training which Governors have to be able to commit to.
If you feel that you would be able to contribute your time to support and challenge the school in this role, please complete the attached form and return it via Email to our Clerk to Governors, Mrs. Maureen Winter
If you would prefer a paper copy, please contact the school so that a form can be sent home with your child.
Kind regards
Mrs. M. Teague