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School Update 19th June 2020

Dear Parent / Carer,

Thank you for your responses to the return to school survey.  The groupings are being finalised and you will be informed of your child’s return to school day by the start of next week at the very latest. The groups have been carefully planned to meet everyone’s needs. Siblings are on the same day and I have tried my best to keep friends together. Year 6 have been grouped with pupils transitioning to the same group as them in September to help the transition process and the timings should also help parents to collect from different yards without too much of a wait. All teachers have looked over the plans to ensure that we are doing the very best for our pupils.

We received a letter today from our Director of Education and the Chief Executive of NPT Council informing us that they have made the decision to end the term on July 17th as was originally planned. Therefore, the children will be attending school for three weeks from Monday 29th June.

Some questions were raised by the survey.

Will home learning continue through the return to school period?

Yes, as I have mentioned in two previous letters, home learning will continue as it has been set so far. A special project will be set over the summer. More information on this will follow with the summer home learning. We will also look at ways of increasing the variety of ways in which the home learning is set should this continue in September. Staff will look into software such as flip grid and zoom to see how this can be best utilised in the coming months.

Will the phased return continue in September?

This is very difficult to answer and I don’t think anybody knows the answer to this yet. Advice to schools has changed twice in the last week and a half which often makes planning very difficult.  Plans for September may not even be clear at the end of term. I will be continuing to work closely with the Local Authority and keep parents updated with our plans over the summer.

Can children return if they have said no but change their mind in week 2 or 3?

Unfortunately, this will not be possible. A lot of work has gone into creating the groups and timetable to enable us to do our very best to keep the children safe.  Additional pupils may change the grouping size which may affect times, staffing and use of spaces. This would all have an impact on the safety of the children at this time.  I have a duty of care to the pupils and to the parents and will not compromise on this.

Next week teachers will be returning to school to set up the classrooms, put up signage and to prepare individual resources for the children. By the end of the week your child will receive a letter from their teacher explaining how their new classroom and day will look.

By the end of next week, I will also send out a reminder about the new requirements for school. A lot will have changed but we hope to make this experience as pleasant as it can possibly be for the pupils. We really look forward to seeing our pupils from year 1 to year 6 back and to have the chance to say our final goodbyes to our wonderful year 6 pupils.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Mrs. M. Teague.

Information on Online Safety at Home

Online Safety At Home pack 7: live streaming
No doubt over the past few months you’ve heard children (and maybe a few adults) talk about the latest Tik Tok challenges or their favourite celebrity’s lockdown live stream.

This week your activity pack for parents and carers to deliver to their children explores how children and young people can stay safe while live streaming:

Download Welsh language versions of our activity packs from Welsh Government’s Hwb.

Live streaming: a video guide for parents and carers
Help parents and carers to understand why children and young people enjoy live streaming platforms and what they can do to help keep them safe whilst using them by sharing our new video guide.
Access the video
Tik Tok: a guide for parents
Have parents and carers been asking you about Tik Tok?

A new Parent Info article explores how Tik Tok works, the parental controls available, and how they can help their child to stay safer on the platform.

Remember you can register for free to be able to embed Parent Info’s newsfeed of articles in your organisation’s website.

You can keep up to date with the latest news from the CEOP Education team by following us on Facebook and Twitter. If you have any questions or feedback about our resources, get in touch with us at
Best wishes,

CEOP Education Team

School Update Wednesday June 10th

Dear Parent / Carer, 

Following the Minister’s announcement last week, I felt that it was important to keep you informed on where we are with our plans to reopen school. 

We are still waiting for the guidance from Welsh Government which will instruct and guide us in what our reopening will look like. In the meantime, all schools have to produce a recovery plan and risk assessments so that the school can reopen safely. These very detailed plans have to be shared with the Local Authority and have to be agreed by the Governors of our school. This will all take some time to ensure that our plans are tight, well communicated and effective.

From the parental survey, it was clear that many parents, rightly so, want to know what we will have in place for the pupils before you make your decision as to whether or not your child will return before the summer. Therefore, I will be waiting until I am in a position to share our plans with you before sending out another survey in Schoop to request from you a final decision on whether or not your child / children will return for the four week period. This also gives you some time to make your decisions and to see how the Coronavirus pandemic has evolved in Wales during this time. 

In order to meet the 2m guidelines and the very small groupings of children in school, it is likely that we will be offering children the opportunity to come to school at staggered times for part of one day a week.  The next survey requesting your final decision regarding your child’s return will enable me to make more accurate plans on this. The Government has put a strong focus on the reopening being “Check in, Catch Up and Prepare” sessions and the focus for any children returning will be on their wellbeing.  Please be reassured that we completely understand that everybody has different reasons behind their decision making on children returning to school and we will fully support any decisions that you make.

During the four week reopening, we will continue to provide home learning which will be commented on by the class teacher if placed in Hwb. Children will also be able to communicate with their friends and teachers through J2 message.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs. M. Teague