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Information on Test, Trace and Protect for Parents


Test, Trace and Protect (TTP) Overview

 Information for Staff/Parents/Guardians.


The following information will set out what to expect in the event of a phone call from a member of the TTP team.

You may be contacted by us if you/a minor in your family are:

  • A case (i.e. you have tested positive for coronavirus)


  • A contact –is defined as a person who has had contact with the case in the period 48 hours prior to, and 10 days after the confirmed case’s symptom onset or specimen collection date (where case has no symptoms). These are the different types of contacts:


Household contact: Those that are living or spending significant time in the same household e.g. those that live and sleep in the same home. Other scenarios would include accommodation settings that share a kitchen/bathroom. Further inclusions are people who have cleaned a household/carer where a case lives without personal protective equipment etc.


Non- household contact:

Direct contact: Face to face contact with a case for any length of time, including being coughed on or talked to. This includes exposure within 1 metre for 1 minute or longer.

Proximity contact: Extended close contact (within 1 to 2 metres for more than 15 minutes) with a case or travelled in a small vehicle with a case.

Aeroplane contacts of cases returning from exempted countries): Passengers sitting within two seats in every direction (i.e. the 2 seats either side, and then then 2 rows in front and behind of these seat) and cabin crew serving the area where the case was seated.

International travellers: All international travellers are considered       contacts, except from those returning from countries on an exemption list. This applied even if they are not known to have had household or non-household contact with a case.


The Phone Call

  • Calls will mainly come from this number: 02921 961133. On occasions it may be necessary for our staff to use an alternative number.
  • If you miss a call from the service, you will be called again. It is important that you answer calls from the NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect Service promptly. You will not receive a voicemail, but if you ring the number back you will hear a message confirming that you were called by the NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect service. Calls from this number are outbound only, so you will not be able to speak to a contact tracer and will need to wait for a call back later or possibly the following day.


Information that will be gathered over the phone

  • We will need to know where they live and who they live with i.e. household contacts.
  • We will need to know where a case has been in their infectious period and who they will have had contact with.
  • This will include school contacts and social contacts. The relevant school will also be contacted. The nature of the contact will be explored, and it will be important to identify if the contact was a household, direct or proximity contact.
  • Symptoms and the onset of symptoms or date of positive test if asymptomatic (no symptoms). We will need to know if the person has been to the shops, to school, to work, pubs/restaurants, parties, café’s and canteens etc. This information will enable us to identify clusters.
  • We will need to know what classes at school they have attended.
  • How the case goes to school e.g. bus/taxi/car/walks with friends.
  • Any other relevant questions relating to where they have been/who they have seen during specific dates when infectious.



What you WON’T be asked

  • Contact tracers will not ask for any financial information, bank details, passwords or any other data other than information detailed above as part of the contact tracing process.
  • If there are any doubts, then you should not provide the information.
  • People should be vigilant for any signs of cyber security, spoofing, phishing or fraud.

For more information see staying alert to scams.


Further Information…..

For further, constantly updated information, refer to:

Contained in the document above is more specific guidance in different situations.


Stay at home if you or anyone in your extended household has symptoms:

  • a high temperature
  • a new, continuous cough
  • loss of smell or taste (anosmia)

Where any/all these symptoms are apparent – get tested…

For information on how to obtain a test, see:

For further information on employers’ responsibilities to help with coronavirus testing and contact tracing please go to the following link.



Keep Wales Safe

  • always observe social distancing
  • wash your hands regularly
  • if you meet another household, outside your extended household, stay outdoors
  • work from home if you can

September Update.

Friday September 11th

Dear Parent,

Thank you all for your support this week in helping us to welcome back the pupils safely. The pupils have all been excellent at adapting to the new hand washing routines, staggered breaks and staggered dinner times.

Our staggered starts have helped us to allow the children to enter into school safely.  However several concerns have been raised by staff and parents over the crowding on the pavements in the morning particularly at the infant end of the school.  I appreciate that the space around the school is limited however you need to help us by ensuring that your child arrives at their gate on their allocated time and that 2m distancing is maintained as you wait on the pavements. Some children have been arriving at 10 to 9 instead of 9 and this makes it very difficult for us to keep the bubbles separate. I understand that this is sometimes caused by a sibling having to arrive earlier however you can help by arriving towards the end of the first allocated time for the first child so that the second child only has a small wait. You can also help by only one parent bringing your child to school and leaving the pavement as soon as your child has entered the building.

To create some extra space from 14th September, the large gate will be opened for Class 2 (Mrs. Williams) pupils to go straight from the pavement into the yard at 8:50. Mrs. Williams will be waiting at the inside gate to welcome the children whilst Mrs. Ashby will be waiting to support the children with their coats and bags.

We are working extremely hard with our new routines to keep the children safe but this can only be maintained if social distancing rules are also followed outside of the school gate. Next week full classes of children will be entering the school at their given time and the whole of nursery will also be attending for the morning only and so it will become even more important that children do not arrive early and that social distancing is maintained.

Timings from 14th September


Arrive Between




9:10 to 9:20


Main Entrance

Class 1

Mrs. Thomas

9:00 to 9:10


Main Entrance

Class 2

Mrs. Williams

8:50 to 9:00


Main Entrance

Class 3

Mrs. Davies

8:50 to 9:00


Junior Door

Class 4

Mr. Allen

9:00 to 9:10


Junior Door


Homework for classes from Reception to year 6, will be set on Hwb every week from September 18th. All pupils will be checking their Hwb logins next week and a copy will be sent home for parents. Homework will consist of spelling words, tables and an oracy or practical activity. This work will be followed up in class through testing and discussion work.  It is very important that children and parents become familiar with logging into Hwb from home.

Reading Books.

Each class will have their own collection of reading books for pupils to take home and read. When books are returned they will be placed in an isolation box until the following week when they will become available for use again.

Music lessons.

Due to the current circumstances, violin and brass lessons will not be continuing this year. Instead, Mrs. Marsden from the Cerdd music service will be providing whole class music lessons every Wednesday for classes 3 and 4.

Breakfast Club.

Breakfast club will resume from September 28th. It will start at 8:20 and pupils will be able to arrive between 8:20 and 8:40. Pupils attending will sit at a table with their own class bubbles. At 8:50 they will go directly to their classes. The new start time will enable a smooth move from the hall to class without the previous 10 minutes of yard time which the pupils previously had.

PE Days

Please can your child come to school wearing their PE Kit on their allocated day.  (Trainers, joggers / leggings, T-shirt, school jumper)

When possible PE will be done outside. If the weather does not allow for this, PE will be done in small groups in the hall.

Nursery – Thursday

Class 1. (Mrs. Thomas) – Monday

Class 2. (Mrs. Williams) – Tuesday

Class 3. (Mrs. Davies) – Thursday

Class 4. (Mr. Allen) – Friday

Communication with parents.

We have worked extremely hard over the past few years to bring parents and carers into school for events and information sharing meetings and it is so disappointing for us that we will not be able to involve parents and carers in school events this year. Already we have decided that we will not be putting on Christmas concerts but we haven’t ruled out the possibility of an outdoor summer concert and leavers presentation for Y6 next July. We hope to keep you involved in your child’s daily experiences through plenty of photographs on Schoop and videos on our website.  Teachers will be maintaining their fortnightly news to parents through Schoop. We will be celebrating the hard work of the children through Star of the Week and Welsh speaker of the week.  These celebrations will be held in class and will continue to be sent out through Schoop and individual certificates. We will be doing our very best to make the school day for the children as interesting as possible whilst making their safety our priority.

We look forward to welcoming all of our pupils back next week.

Kind regards,

Mrs. M. Teague

Return to School Letter September 2020

Dear Parent / Carer,

I hope this letter finds you all safe and well and having had an enjoyable summer break during what continues to be very different times. As outlined at the end of term, I want to give you more detailed information on how the reopening of school will look so that we can do our very best to keep the children safe and happy.   Information and advice has continued to change throughout the school holidays however I am hoping that by waiting until now I am able to give you the most up to date information. More detailed information on the safety measures put in place can be found within the updated risk assessment which is available on the school website.

 Autumn term starts on Tuesday September 1st.  Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd will be preparation days for the staff. Children will begin to return on Thursday 4th September.  All other dates will be available in Schoop and on the school website.

 The school day

In line with government advice, pupils will remain in their class bubbles throughout the day. All parts of the day will be timetabled so that children can enjoy their breaks, lunch and activities safely in their class bubbles. We will be using staggered drop-off and pick-up times when we return to school, in order to ensure adults can socially distance and so that class bubbles can enter the school together.  All individual return times and days have been sent out several times through Schoop. These times will be used from the start of term until further notice. I must ask that these times are strictly adhered to in order to help us receive and dismiss the children safely.

Children will be met at the gates by a member of staff in the morning and dismissed in the afternoon. Children will not need to wait or queue in the yard if they arrive at their allocated time. Nursery, Class 1 and Class 2 enter and leave through the main door. Junior classes 3 and 4 enter and leave through the gate in the junior yard. Junior children who have been given permission to leave the yard alone will be dismissed from the yard at their allocated time. Reminders of who has provided permission will be sent out next week.

 School dinners.

Dinners will be available as usual. At the moment, dinners can be paid for in advance by sending money with your child in an envelope marked with their name. Dinners cost £2:35 and the menu can be found on the school website. Pupils will be having dinners at staggered times both in classrooms and in the hall. Infants will begin lunch at 11:45 and all children will have eaten by 12:30. Alternatively children can bring their own packed lunch to school. If possible please do not place the lunch bag in an additional rucksack as this will take up extra space in the classrooms.

We will shortly be moving to a cashless system “Parent Pay” and you will receive your password and information to set up your account over the next few weeks.

Pupils in receipt of free school meals will need to pay for any meals taken up to Friday September 11th as NPT will be continuing to make payments directly to your bank accounts until then.


We will not be providing fruit for the pupils at break time however your child can bring their own healthy snack to school. Please place any fruit in a small disposable bag marked with the child’s name for infant children.

Please remember that we are a nut free school and that all lunch bags and snacks should be nut free.

What to bring to school.

Please only send essential items to school with your child.  Junior children will be keeping coats and bags with them in their classrooms. Individual stationery bags with tissues have been prepared for every child so please do not send in pencil cases. Bags will only be needed on P.E days which we will notify you about later. Please provide your child with a water bottle marked clearly with their name, which they will bring home every day to wash.


All children need to wear school uniform. Previous advice was that clothing worn to school is changed and washed as often as possible. Please remember to mark all children’s clothing clearly with their name. It is very important during these times that there are not any mix-ups with clothing. The PTA recently set up an account with a label website. This information was sent out through Schoop during the break.


Please remember to return any medication such as epi pens and asthma pumps to school. If your child requires any new medication in school which has been prescribed by a doctor, please contact the school for the correct forms to be completed.

Breakfast club.

The return date for breakfast club is currently under review and we will notify you as soon as plans are in place for restarting it.

Face Masks

NPT Council has informed us that face masks in primary schools are not recommended at this time; but there is nothing to prevent the wearing of masks should the individual so wish.

Overall, it is the Council’s intention to keep the position under close review, particularly during the initial two week period at the start of term. Should there be material change to either or both of the regulations and guidance that will trigger a further review – and Welsh Government has indicated that further guidance will issue next week.

Contacting school.

For everyone’s safety, you will be able to contact us by telephone throughout this period; it will not be possible to come in to the school during this time in order to limit the number of people who mix with staff and pupils. By exception, parents will be asked to collect their children in the event that they are ill. Please ensure that we have the most up to date contact number for yourselves.

Symptoms of coronavirus.

Under no circumstance should any pupil or member of staff attend school if they:

  •  feel unwell, have any of the four identified Covid-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive for Covid-19 in the past 7 days.
  •  live in a household with someone who has symptoms of Covid-19 or has tested positive to Covid-19 in the past 14 days.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school from September 1st if you have any further questions or concerns. Without a doubt this is going to be a very different term for children, parents and staff.  By working together and with your support, we will do our very best to make sure that all children settle back into school confidently and that they leave with a smile on their face.

Thank you for your continued support,

Kind regards,

Mrs. M. Teague

Save money by reducing your child’s lost property.

Dear Parent / Carer

With the support of Governor Sian Harris, we have signed up to a name tags company to help parents label clothing, lunchboxes, drink bottles etc.  Finding lost jumpers has been a long time problem for us and can be an expensive problem for parents. At this time it is especially important that clothing and other belongings do not get lost or used by other children. The school will receive 24% in return for any purchases made and we will always ensure that this goes back to the children in activities or fun resources.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs. M. Teague

End of Year School Update

Wednesday 15th July

Dear Parent / Carer,

As the end of another school year draws to a close this week, I would like to say thank you to parents, children, staff and Governors, for the support shown to the school through what has been a very difficult time for everyone.

It has been lovely welcoming back some of our pupils over the past three weeks but so sad that we have not been able to give our Y6 pupils their usual send off. We wish them all the best of luck on their next journey.  I am sure that you will agree that the years have flown by since they first stepped into their nursery class, but they have given us so many wonderful memories from over the years. They have been a superb group of children to work with and I feel sure that they will all enjoy the next stage in their learning as they move on to Llangatwg, Hendrefelin and Maesydderwen.

We are now looking forward to welcoming more of our pupils back in September.  The start of the year will be a phased approach with children attending every other day from September 3rd until all pupils return together on September 14th. By the end of this week, you will receive a message through Schoop letting you know which days your child is returning on to enable you to plan ahead. Please keep a record of this as we can not publish names with days on the school website.

We were provided with the guidance from Welsh Government late on Monday, so we are still working on the finer details and risk assessments. We must of course be mindful that the situation continues to change and September is still some time away. Clearer guidance will be provided to parents nearer the time, however I felt that there are some things that we can tell you which might help you to get ready over the summer.

  • School uniform will need to be worn.
  • Pupils will be provided with their own bag of pens, pencils etc. Please do not send in pencil cases.
  • Water bottles can be brought to school and will be returned home every day for cleaning.
  • Lunch boxes can be brought into school however we would advise that washable lunch boxes are used.
  • Breakfast club will not begin until at least half term.
  • Only essential items must be brought to school.
  • After school clubs will only resume when it is safe to do so.
  • School dinners will be provided as usual.

I will continue to update parents through Schoop and the school website over the summer should any changes occur. I would like to wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer.  We look forward to seeing all of our pupils safely back in the near future.

Kind regards

Mrs. M. Teague.